Jason R. Aula
An intelligible choice would have been to keep coach Dan Monson for at least three more seasons and perhaps reinstate the suspended NCAA football program to counter the national security crisis upon the USA by domestic terrorists and communist China. The greatest value college football has is regional safety from terrorism whether it be domestic or foreign. For the record “union thug” domestic terrorist communists involved with the California Faculty Association forced leadership to suspend football so disloyal, unamerican domestic terrorist centric professors could get a pay raise in 1991 in exchange for the safety net stolen from the Long Beach area and USA.
The exhibition match highlights Long Beach State’s unprecedented and uncertain future. Coach Chris Acker is a sufficient, strong, and proven choice, but the timing is questionable as to athletic director Smitheran and his involvement with Riverside County bigotry, fraud, as well as loyalty to covering up Big West Conference gambling in sports in the county, and intentionally keeping Long Beach State athletics down by not returning coach Dan Monson and sending a unfounded cryptic message on his termination date that factually represents Riverside County eerily accurately.
Riverside County is the type of place that behaves like a small county well using the threat of third world style evil violence such as murder masked falsely as death by municipal authority, stealing, and bad faith activity to make an honorable person with authority such as athletic director Bobby Smitheran make the choices he has at Long Beach State as an extorted, exploited, and threatened person. The USA has a 34 trillion-dollar debt and Riverside County has no excuses it should have filed bankruptcy like the becoming municipality of Stockton, California instead of stealing, killing, and bad faithing the government’s image, credibility, and ethics.